by hollylowejones | Apr 8, 2021 | brand collaboration, fitness
Happy Thursday! If you keep up with my Instagram posts, you know that I recently joined Jazzercise and have been loving it! While Jazzercise has been dancing for more than 51 years – they incorporate the latest proven effective fitness methods into their...
by hollylowejones | Jan 26, 2021 | fitness
Happy Tuesday! I have really been struggling with my weight management lately, but this happens to me every winter. Rather than get down on myself about it, all I can do is try to fight against it, and not give up. The main reason I gain weight in the winter is...
by hollylowejones | Jan 18, 2021 | fitness
*The following post was written in 2014 when I was still competing and training in triathlon. I still use this same 20 minute workout on a regular basis in addition to other forms of exercise. -1/19/21 When I was a personal trainer, I often gave my clients full-body...
by hollylowejones | Jan 14, 2021 | brand collaboration, fitness, wellness
Happy Thursday! If you follow my fitness journey, you know that I’m a big fan of Purely Inspired Nutrition Garcinia Cambogia supplement. Their line of supplements gives me the support and energy I need to stick to my exercise and diet program. The best part is that...
by hollylowejones | Dec 24, 2020 | amazon, fashion
Merry Christmas Eve! I know this outfit is not in the least bit Christmasy, but it’s what I’ve pulled out of the archives to post today. This was my favorite black casual summer top from Amazon from 2020. ⠀ I’ve been pretty quiet on IG and the blog...